About this Campaign

The Ecuadorian Amazon is developing rapidly. Oil extraction, deforestation, and unsustainable agriculture are destroying the greatest rainforest on earth. Meanwhile, indigenous knowledge and culture is disappearing as these forces destroy the ecosystem that indigenous communities rely upon. The few indigenous leaders who gain graduate degrees usually leave their homes to work in big cities or foreign countries.

Fundación Runa is raising money to send two indigenous leaders from the Ecuadorian Amazon to attend an innovative MBA program co-financed by USAID at the Escuela Politécnica del Ejercito (ESPE). During their studies, they will work with Runa to apply their skills to solve real world business problems in the Ecuadorian Amazon. They will also commit to working in the Amazon for at least three years after graduating.

Patricio Andy and Ernesto Huatatoca have been chosen to receive this scholarship based on their excellent work with Runa and their desire to use these newly learned skills to help their communities raise themselves out of poverty.Patricio and Ernesto both graduated at the top of their class from the regional university but were not able to attend further study because they had to work to support their families. This scholarship will cover tuition and provide a small stipend for both candidates.

With your help, we can send these talented young leaders to attend this new MBA program and help put the Ecuadorian Amazon on the right path of development.

- The Runa Team


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